GurukulParivarorganised 41st Gyansatra, in the holy presence of SadguruvaryaShastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami, under the guidance of Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji Swami at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul, Ahmedabad during Aug 10 - 16, 2017.
Along with discourses and speeches inspiring towards human values, family values in one’s life various social, medical, educational services & cultural, patriotic features were included in this event of Gyansatra.
Salient features:
Educational Help: As every year, educational aid provided to 150 girl students studying in bachelor & master course in Science- Arts-Commerce, Sanskrit, Yoga, Pharmacy, Engineering, Medical, CA, CS and Computer applications. Educational aid consists entire tuition expenses for an academic year.
MahilaManch& Cultural Programme were arranged by female wing of GurukulParivar, in the holy presence of Sankhya Yogis (female preachers) from Ahmedabad, Amreli, Dudhala, Nagapur to inculcate human values & family values as a part of empowerment of females.
Cultural Programme: Students of Gurukul Ahmedabad and Darshnam Sanskrit Mahavidyalay presented various Raas, Dramas conveying the massage of human values, social values and patriotism.
Free Ayurveda Medical Camp: Free medical camp for all kind of diseases was performed during Aug 11 to 13, 2017. 14 Ayurveda doctors and 24 medical students extended their services in this camp. 216 patients were served with diagnosis, treatment and medicines free of charge.
Vachanamrut Competitions: In accordance with forth coming 200th anniversary of Vachanamrut, Creative &Shalaka Competitions were organized, in female & student division respectively. Top five positions were encouraged with awards.
Siachen Awareness Drive: Depicting the hardship faced by brave Indian soldiers at world’s highest battle field,Siachenin the state of Kashmir, Himalaya - a show was presented by Mr. HarshalPushkarna (Harshal Publications, Safari Magazine).
Independence Day Celebration: 71st Independence day was celebrated with patriotic fervour by saints, students and devotees in presence of PujyaSwamiji and dignitaries.
Janmotsav: On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami, Janmotsav of Bhagawan Shree Krishna was celebrated in eminent devotional atmosphere and ended with marvelous HindolaDarshan.
Shree Dharmajivan Charitable Trust (SGVP Gurukul USA) provide the partial fund for these noble activities. We are very thankful for the donors who generously donate for the cause.

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