Flood Relief Work at Banaskantha District (26-July-2017)
Due to heavy rain in Rajsthan and North Gujarat, many villages in Banaskantha area affected by flood and faced large damage of lives, animals and goods.
In this tragic and hard condition, with the govern of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami, under the guidance of Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji Swami Gurukul Parivar extended the quick relief work in the more affected district Thara. Kankarej, Khengarpur, Karashangadh, Unn, Bhalgam, Bhadrivadi, Manpur, Valpura, Dharavadi, Khariya, Balochpur etc. are the water sank villages where Saints and volunteers visited on foots and provided the relief material and also conveyed the solace.
In the preparation of food & food packets Gurukul Parivar paid 1,250 Volunteer hours, whereas during distribution of food packets 60 volunteers and saints rendered services eighteen hours continuously. In all, tirelessly 2,330 volunteer hours resulted in very successful relief work in Banaskantha flood disaster.
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