Footwear Distribution 2017
SGVP Gurukul Parivar Distributed the 3400 pairs of new footwear in the surrounding area of Ahmedabad. In the hottest summer time of India ( more then 110 F) . Footwear give to children, poor people who play or walked barefoot in hot summer day.
This activity carried out in association with Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajivhitavah Trust (SGVP) who's local youth volunteers organize and plan 1 day event. Shree Dharmajivan Charitable Trust ( SGVP Gurukul USA) provide the partial fund for the activity. We are very thankful for the donor who generously donate for the cause.
With the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and under the guidance of Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji SwamiMore then 50 volunteers participated with their vehicles to reach in the different area.

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