Footwear Distribution - 2019
Posted by NS on Sunday, 7 April 2019
With the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami & guidance of Pujya Balkrishnadasji Swami, volunteers of Gurukul Parivar distributed 4500 pairs of footwear to barefoot people in hot summer in city Ahmedabad.
On 07 April, 2019 in the slum areas and roadsides, youths of Gurukul Parivar personally distributed the footwear to barefooted children, elders and old persons.
165 volunteers spent 900 human hours for this noble cause to distribute 4500 pairs of footwear.
Shree Dharmajivan Charitable Trust (SGVP Gurukul USA) provide the partial fund for the activity. We are very thankful for the donors who generously donate for the cause.

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