Blanket Distribution
Value based education is to inculcate human values in new generation. As a part of it, with the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami, students of Gurukul are subjected for various social services.
During winter, students of SGVP Dharmajivan Hostel distributed 1500 blankets to the needy people on road side and in slum area. Voluntarily 100 students along with saints visited the many places during night and extended the helping hands to needy individuals. Volunteers spent 1000 human hours to organized this noble task successfully.
Students spent warm visit with old aged people and students. They also offered breakfast, daily utensils and educational kits to old aged people and students. Time was very fruitful for both the sides. Pujya Swamiji used to say – humanity and affection with everyone is one of the best ways to serve Almighty.
Shree Dharmajivan Charitable Trust (SGVP Gurukul USA) provide the partial fund for the activity. We are very thankful for the donors who generously donate for the cause.

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